Best Python IDEs and Code Editors to Use in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of programming, Python has established itself as one of the most versatile and widely-used languages. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, having the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or code editor can significantly impact your productivity and overall coding experience. As we step into 2024, the Python development ecosystem continues to thrive, offering a plethora of options to choose from.

Selecting the ideal Python IDE or code editor can be a daunting task with so many choices available. Fortunately, in this comprehensive guide, we will help you navigate this landscape by highlighting the best Python IDEs and code editors that have risen to prominence in 2024. We’ll delve into the features, strengths, and weaknesses of each, ensuring that you can make an informed decision tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

Whether you’re aiming to streamline your workflow, enhance your coding efficiency, or simply explore new tools, our expert recommendations will assist you in selecting the perfect Python IDE or code editor to kickstart your coding projects in 2024. Let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of Python development tools that await you this year.

What are IDEs and Code Editors?

Before we dive into the best Python IDEs and code editors of 2024, let’s clarify what these tools are and why they are essential for Python development.

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) are comprehensive software applications that provide a complete coding environment for developers. They typically include a code editor, debugger, build automation tools, and often integration with version control systems. IDEs offer a one-stop-shop for all your coding needs, making them ideal for larger projects and teams. Python IDEs come packed with features like code completion, error checking, and project management capabilities, streamlining the development process.

Code Editors, on the other hand, are lightweight tools designed primarily for text editing and code writing. While they lack some of the all-encompassing features of IDEs, they make up for it with speed and simplicity. Code editors are highly customizable, and developers can enhance their functionality by adding extensions or plugins. They are perfect for quick scripts, small projects, or for those who prefer a more minimalist approach to coding.

In this guide, we’ll explore a mix of both Python IDEs and code editors to cater to a broad range of Python developers’ needs in 2024. Whether you favor the all-in-one power of an IDE or the agility of a code editor, there’s something here for everyone.

Best Python IDEs & Code Editors

Python’s popularity continues to soar, and staying ahead in the world of Python development requires the right tools to fuel your coding endeavors. Whether you’re an experienced Pythonista or just starting your journey into the world of programming, the choice of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or code editor can make a significant impact on your efficiency and coding experience.


In this comprehensive exploration, we’ve carefully curated a list of the top Python IDEs and code editors available in 2024. Our selection caters to a wide range of Python developers, from beginners seeking simplicity to seasoned professionals demanding advanced features. Each IDE and code editor on our list has been evaluated for its unique strengths, features, and suitability for various Python projects.

Whether you’re working on web development, data science, machine learning, or any Python-based application, this guide will provide you with valuable insights to help you make an informed choice. Join us as we embark on a journey to discover the best Python IDEs and code editors that can elevate your coding experience to new heights in 2024.

1. PyCharm


PyCharm, developed by JetBrains, is a powerhouse Python IDE that stands out for its robust set of features. It offers intelligent code completion, advanced debugging tools, and a wide range of Python-related integrations. With PyCharm, you can efficiently manage large projects and collaborate with team members using version control systems like Git. Its intelligent code analysis and refactoring tools make it a favorite among developers.


Smart code completion and suggestions for Python libraries and frameworks.

Excellent debugging capabilities, including a visual debugger.

Built-in support for web development frameworks like Django and Flask.

A strong ecosystem with a wealth of plugins and extensions.

Effective code inspection and refactoring options for maintaining code quality.


It can be resource-intensive, which might slow down older systems.

The full version is a paid product, though there is a free community edition.

Beginners may find it overwhelming due to its extensive feature set.

When to Use It:

PyCharm shines in complex Python projects, web development, and large codebases. It’s the go-to choice for professional developers and teams who require top-tier Python development capabilities and robust debugging features.

When Not to Use It:

If you’re a beginner looking for a lightweight, free solution or working on smaller projects, PyCharm’s extensive feature set might be more than you need. In such cases, you might opt for a simpler code editor to avoid unnecessary complexity.

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2. PyDev: A Python IDE for Eclipse


PyDev is an open-source Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specifically designed for use with the Eclipse platform. It brings a range of features to Python developers working within the Eclipse ecosystem. It offers features like code completion, integrated debugging, syntax highlighting, and auto-import. One of its notable features is its integration with Jython, allowing developers to mix Python and Java seamlessly.


Integration with the Eclipse IDE provides a familiar environment for developers who use Eclipse for other languages.

Robust debugging capabilities with support for remote debugging.

Comprehensive Python development tools including a powerful interactive console.

Active community and frequent updates.


Requires Eclipse to be installed, which might be an additional step for those not already using Eclipse.

The learning curve can be steep for beginners.

Plugin compatibility can be an issue with new versions of Eclipse.

When to Use It:

PyDev is an excellent choice for developers already accustomed to the Eclipse IDE who want to work with Python. It’s particularly useful for projects where integration with Java or other languages is necessary. It’s also suitable for more experienced Python developers who appreciate a feature-rich, extensible IDE.

When Not to Use It:

If you are not using the Eclipse platform for other development tasks or if you prefer a standalone Python IDE, PyDev might not be the most straightforward or lightweight option. Beginners who are new to both Python and Eclipse might find the learning curve daunting. In such cases, a more user-friendly and dedicated Python IDE might be a better choice.

3. IDLE: Python’s Built-in IDE


IDLE, which stands for Integrated Development and Learning Environment, is Python’s very own built-in IDE. It comes bundled with Python installations, making it readily available for developers. While it may not boast as many features as some standalone IDEs, it offers essential tools for Python development. IDLE includes a code editor with syntax highlighting, an interactive shell, and debugging capabilities.


Accessibility: Since it’s included with Python, there’s no need for a separate installation.

Beginner-Friendly: IDLE’s simplicity makes it an excellent choice for Python beginners.

Interactive Shell: The integrated shell allows for quick experimentation and testing code snippets.

Cross-Platform: IDLE is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Limited Features: It lacks some advanced features found in dedicated Python IDEs.

Not Ideal for Large Projects: While suitable for learning and small scripts, IDLE may not be the best choice for complex or large-scale projects.

Minimalistic: For developers seeking a feature-rich environment, IDLE may feel too basic.

When to Use It:

IDLE is an ideal choice for Python newcomers who want to get started without the hassle of installing a separate IDE. It’s also handy for quick code experiments, educational purposes, or when working on smaller Python scripts.

When Not to Use It:

If you’re working on larger Python projects or require advanced features like version control integration or extensive debugging capabilities, you may find IDLE limiting. More feature-rich IDEs or code editors are better suited for such scenarios. Additionally, experienced developers may prefer an IDE with a wider range of tools and customizability.

4. Visual Studio Code (VS Code): The Swiss Army Knife of Code Editors


Visual Studio Code, often abbreviated as VS Code, is a wildly popular open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. What sets it apart is its versatility and an extensive library of extensions that transform it into a full-fledged Integrated Development Environment (IDE). VS Code supports a wide array of programming languages, including Python. Key features include intelligent code completion, debugging tools, version control integration, and a rich marketplace for extensions.


Versatility: VS Code is a multi-purpose code editor suitable for various programming languages, making it an excellent choice for polyglot developers.

Extensibility: Its vast collection of extensions allows you to customize the editor to your specific needs, making it adaptable for Python development.

Active Community: A large user community ensures regular updates, a wealth of documentation, and quick issue resolution.

Free and Open Source: VS Code is free to use and open source, making it accessible to developers of all backgrounds.


Can Be Resource-Intensive: While lightweight, extensive use of extensions can consume system resources.

Learning Curve: For beginners, the abundance of features and settings may initially feel overwhelming.

May Require Extensive Configuration: To unlock its full potential, you might need to spend time configuring extensions.

When to Use It:

Visual Studio Code is an excellent choice for Python developers who want a versatile, feature-rich code editor with a thriving ecosystem of extensions. It’s suitable for web development, data science, machine learning, and more. If you appreciate customizability and adaptability, VS Code is a top pick.

When Not to Use It:

If you prefer a dedicated Python IDE with all features bundled in one package, or if you’re working on extremely resource-constrained systems, you might opt for a more specialized and resource-efficient IDE. Additionally, if you prefer a minimalistic code editor without extensions, other options may be more suitable.

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5. Sublime Text: The Sleek and Speedy Code Editor


Sublime Text is a minimalist yet highly efficient code editor renowned for its speed and responsiveness. While it’s not a full-fledged Integrated Development Environment (IDE), it offers a range of features that enhance the coding experience. Some of its notable features include a distraction-free writing mode, multi-cursor editing, powerful search and replace, and an extensive set of keyboard shortcuts.


Speed and Performance: Sublime Text is renowned for its speed, making it a go-to choice for developers seeking a snappy coding experience.

Customizability: Users can tailor Sublime Text to their liking by installing packages and themes from the Package Control package manager.

Cross-Platform: Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, it ensures a consistent experience across different operating systems.

Distraction-Free Mode: The distraction-free writing mode allows you to focus solely on your code, reducing clutter on the screen.


Not a Full IDE: While feature-rich for a code editor, Sublime Text lacks some advanced features found in full-fledged IDEs.

Limited Debugging: Debugging capabilities are not as robust as those in dedicated Python IDEs.

Licensing Cost: It’s not entirely free; a license fee is required for continued use.

When to Use It:

Sublime Text is ideal for developers who value a lightweight, high-performance code editor with a clean interface. It’s a top choice for quick scripting, web development, and for those who prefer a minimalistic yet feature-rich environment.

When Not to Use It:

If you require a complete Python IDE with comprehensive debugging tools or if you work on large, complex projects that demand extensive project management features, Sublime Text may not be the most suitable choice. Additionally, if you’re on a tight budget and prefer free tools, you might explore other options.

6. Jupyter Notebook: Empowering Interactive Python Development


Jupyter Notebook is a versatile, web-based interactive computing environment designed for data science, scientific computing, and interactive Python development. It allows users to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Key features include support for various programming languages (Python being the most popular), code cells, rich media integration, and easy export options.


Interactive and Exploratory: Jupyter Notebook excels in data exploration and interactive coding, making it an invaluable tool for data scientists and researchers.

Rich Visualization: It supports the integration of charts, graphs, and interactive plots, making it ideal for data visualization.

Shareability: Notebooks can be easily shared with others, allowing for collaborative work and reproducible research.

Large Community: A vast user community contributes to a wealth of extensions and resources.


Limited as a Code Editor: While great for interactive coding, Jupyter Notebook is not a full-featured code editor or IDE and may lack some development features.

Learning Curve: New users may find it challenging to grasp the unique cell-based workflow initially.

Version Control: Managing version control for Jupyter Notebooks can be complex.

When to Use It:

Jupyter Notebook shines when you need to perform data analysis, create interactive data-driven presentations, or engage in scientific computing. It’s an excellent choice for data scientists, educators, and researchers who want to combine code, visualizations, and explanations in a single document.

When Not to Use It:

If you’re working on traditional software development projects that require a more code-centric development environment, Jupyter Notebook may not be the best choice as your primary coding tool. It’s also not well-suited for larger software projects or when extensive debugging capabilities are needed. In such cases, a dedicated Python IDE or code editor may be more appropriate.

7. Spyder: The Scientific Python Development Environment


Spyder is an open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specifically designed for scientific and data-driven Python programming. It integrates seamlessly with popular scientific libraries like NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. Key features include an interactive console, variable explorer, integrated IPython support, code analysis, and debugging tools tailored for scientific use.


Scientific Focus: Spyder is purpose-built for data science and scientific computing, offering tools like a variable explorer and data visualization that cater to the needs of researchers and data analysts.

Integrated Environment: It combines an editor, console, and variable explorer in a cohesive interface, streamlining the data analysis process.

Rich Documentation: Spyder offers extensive documentation and a friendly user community.

Free and Open Source: Spyder is freely available, making it accessible to users of all budgets.


Learning Curve: For beginners or those not familiar with scientific Python libraries, Spyder’s interface may have a learning curve.

Limited Outside of Scientific Use: While excellent for scientific computing, it may not be the best choice for general-purpose Python development.

Resource Intensive: Working with large datasets can strain system resources.

When to Use It:

Spyder is an excellent choice when you’re involved in scientific research, data analysis, or numerical computing with Python. Its dedicated tools for data exploration, integrated console, and support for scientific libraries make it a powerful environment for researchers and data scientists.

When Not to Use It:

If you’re primarily engaged in web development, software engineering, or general-purpose Python coding, Spyder may feel overly specialized and have features you won’t need. In such cases, opting for a more versatile Python IDE or code editor might be a better fit.

8. Wing: The Intelligent Python IDE for Advanced Development


Wing is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tailored for Python developers, known for its intelligent code analysis and debugging capabilities. It offers features such as code auto-completion, advanced code inspection, integrated unit testing, and deep integration with version control systems. Wing’s standout feature is its robust debugger, which includes features like live code inspection, remote debugging, and multi-threaded debugging.


Intelligent Code Analysis: Wing’s code analysis and autocompletion help developers write clean and error-free code.

Deep Debugger: The debugger’s live inspection and remote debugging features make it a standout choice for troubleshooting and debugging Python applications.

Extensive Documentation: Wing offers comprehensive documentation and a responsive support team.

Cross-Platform: Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring a consistent experience across different systems.


Cost: Wing is a paid IDE, and while it offers a free version (Wing 101), the full-featured versions come with a price tag.

Learning Curve: Beginners may find the extensive feature set and advanced debugging tools challenging to learn initially.

Resource Usage: Some users report that Wing can be resource-intensive, particularly when debugging large applications.

When to Use It:

Wing is an excellent choice for experienced Python developers working on complex projects that demand advanced debugging and code analysis capabilities. It’s particularly valuable for professionals who need to dive deep into code and troubleshoot intricate issues.

When Not to Use It:

If you are a beginner looking for a simple and free Python development environment, or if you are working on smaller projects that don’t require the advanced debugging features Wing provides, you may find other IDEs or code editors to be more suitable.

9. GNU/Emacs: The Versatile Text Editor


GNU/Emacs, often simply referred to as Emacs, is a highly extensible and customizable text editor with a rich ecosystem of add-ons and extensions. While primarily known as a text editor, Emacs is capable of much more. For Python developers, it provides a Python-specific mode that offers features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and project management. Emacs boasts a unique feature called “org mode,” which is beloved by researchers and writers for its outlining and task management capabilities.


Extensibility: Emacs is famously extensible, allowing users to tailor it to their specific needs through a wide range of available packages.

Efficiency: Emacs users often cite its efficiency and productivity-boosting capabilities, thanks to extensive keyboard shortcuts and macros.

Cross-Platform: Available on Windows, macOS, and Linux, it offers a consistent experience across different systems.

Free and Open Source: Emacs is open-source software, freely available for users to modify and distribute.


Steep Learning Curve: Learning Emacs, especially for newcomers, can be challenging due to its unique keybindings and customization options.

Not a Dedicated IDE: While it can be turned into a Python development environment, Emacs is not a dedicated IDE, and some may prefer a more specialized tool.

Initial Configuration: Setting up and configuring Emacs to suit your needs can be time-consuming.

When to Use It:

Emacs is an excellent choice for Python developers who appreciate a highly customizable, versatile text editor and want to leverage its extensive ecosystem of packages. It’s particularly suitable for those who prefer keyboard-driven workflows and need a powerful, adaptable tool for various tasks beyond coding.

When Not to Use It:

If you’re looking for a ready-to-use Python-specific IDE with an out-of-the-box experience or if you’re not comfortable with the idea of investing time in customization and learning Emacs’ unique keybindings, you might find other Python IDEs or code editors more appealing.

10. Thonny: A Beginner-Friendly Python IDE


Thonny is a Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed with beginners in mind. It offers a user-friendly interface and a straightforward setup process. Some of its notable features include a built-in Python interpreter, simple package management, a debugger, and an integrated code editor with syntax highlighting and code completion. Thonny also provides a clean and minimalistic interface that’s easy on the eyes.


Beginner-Friendly: Thonny is an excellent choice for those new to Python and programming in general. Its simplicity and minimalistic design ease the learning curve.

Built-in Debugger: The integrated debugger helps users understand and troubleshoot their code, making it a valuable tool for learning and experimentation.

Simple Package Management: Thonny simplifies the process of installing and managing Python packages, streamlining the development workflow.

Educational Focus: It’s widely used in educational settings to introduce students to Python programming.


Limited for Advanced Users: While ideal for beginners, Thonny may lack some advanced features that experienced developers and larger projects require.

Not Extensible: Thonny’s simplicity means it’s not as extensible or customizable as some other Python IDEs.

Less Suitable for Complex Projects: For complex, multifaceted Python projects, a more feature-rich IDE might be a better fit.

When to Use It:

Thonny is the perfect choice for beginners who want a straightforward, user-friendly Python IDE to start learning the language. It’s also great for educators teaching Python in classroom settings.

When Not to Use It:

If you are an experienced Python developer working on complex projects that demand advanced features or if you prefer a highly extensible and customizable IDE, Thonny may not provide the depth you need. For large-scale projects, you might opt for a more robust Python IDE.


In conclusion, the world of Python development offers a diverse array of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code editors, each tailored to meet specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re an aspiring coder taking your first steps in Python or a seasoned developer working on complex projects, there’s an IDE or code editor that suits you.

From the comprehensive capabilities of PyCharm to the speed and versatility of Visual Studio Code, the simplicity of IDLE to the specialized features of Jupyter Notebook, and the scientific focus of Spyder to the extensibility of Emacs – Python developers have a wealth of options at their disposal.

While the choice ultimately depends on your project requirements and personal workflow, the key is to find the tool that enhances your coding experience and boosts your productivity. Explore, experiment, and select the Python IDE or code editor that empowers you to turn your coding ambitions into reality. With the right tool in hand, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges and opportunities that Python development presents in 2024 and beyond.


1. Which are the best Python IDEs?

Some of the best Python Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) include PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Spyder, and IDLE. The choice depends on your specific needs and preferences, as each IDE offers unique features and capabilities tailored to different types of Python development.

2. Which are the top Python code editors?

Top Python code editors include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and Emacs. These editors provide a lightweight environment for writing Python code and can be customized with plugins and extensions for enhanced functionality.

3. What are IDEs in Python?

IDEs, or Integrated Development Environments, in Python are software applications that provide a comprehensive environment for Python programming. They typically include a code editor, debugger, and tools for writing, testing, and debugging Python code.

4. What Python IDE should I use?

The choice of Python IDE depends on your specific requirements. If you’re a beginner, Thonny or IDLE may be suitable. For more advanced users, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, or Jupyter Notebook are popular choices.

5. Does Python have IDEs?

Yes, Python has a variety of IDEs and code editors available to cater to different programming needs and skill levels.

6. What are the benefits of using a Python IDE?

The benefits of using a Python IDE include features like code auto-completion, debugging tools, syntax highlighting, project management, and integrations with Python libraries. IDEs enhance productivity, code quality, and streamline the development process.

7. Which are the best 5 Python code software?

Some of the best Python code software includes PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Spyder, IDLE, and Jupyter Notebook. These tools cater to different development needs and are widely used in the Python community.

8. What is the difference between Python and IDE?

Python is a programming language, while an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software application used for writing, testing, and debugging code in various programming languages, including Python.

9. Is Jupyter a Python IDE?

Jupyter is not a traditional IDE but an interactive computing environment that supports multiple programming languages, including Python. It’s particularly useful for data analysis, research, and interactive coding.

10. Is Anaconda a Python IDE?

Anaconda is not a Python IDE but a Python distribution that includes a collection of Python libraries and tools for data science, machine learning, and scientific computing. However, Anaconda can be used in conjunction with IDEs like Jupyter Notebook for data analysis tasks.

11. What are the key features of a top Python IDE?

Key features of a top Python IDE include code auto-completion, debugging tools, syntax highlighting, version control integration, project management capabilities, and a user-friendly interface. These features enhance the coding experience and productivity of developers.

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